ViMedicus – Validation Institute Podcast Ep 17

ViMedicus stands out in the behavioral health space with its innovative solutions tailored to individual needs. Through collaboration with the Validation Institute, ViMedicus has validated the effectiveness and outcomes of its programs, enhancing credibility and trust among users and stakeholders. This partnership underscores their commitment to providing evidence-based care and driving real improvements in mental health management.

Key Takeaways

  1. Customized Approach: ViMedicus sets itself apart by offering individualized attention and tailored solutions for behavioral health needs, ensuring optimal outcomes for each participant. Validation Institute’s support in validating their approach reinforces confidence in their effectiveness.
  2. Focus on Progress: The company’s emphasis on measuring progress through self-efficacy scores enables them to track improvements in mental health over time, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of their programs. Validation Institute’s partnership ensures that these measures are robust and credible.
  3. Collaborative Care: ViMedicus fosters collaboration with other healthcare partners, such as direct primary care clinics, to integrate physical and mental health services effectively. This approach, supported by Validation Institute’s validation, ensures comprehensive care coordination and better outcomes for individuals.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: By leveraging data science to analyze outcomes longitudinally, ViMedicus demonstrates the validity and impact of its programs in improving lives. Validation Institute’s validation of these outcomes enhances trust and credibility, driving greater adoption and impact.

Introduction to the Panel Discussion

Validation Institute:

Good afternoon everyone. Today we have the pleasure of hosting Matt Allen, the Chief Operating Officer, and Corey Campbell, Chief Clinical Officer from ViMedicus, a company specializing in the behavioral health space. Welcome, Matt and Corey.

Matt Allen & Corey Campbell:

Pleasure to see you. Thanks for having us. Nice to see you as well.

Discussion on ViCare Program’s Impact

Validation Institute:

Before we dive into our discussion, I’d like to highlight that your ViCare program offers individuals a sustainable solution for alleviating anxiety, depression, and stress. By doing so, it effectively reduces health care costs for both the individuals and their employers. Now, Matt, could you please elaborate on what sets ViCare apart from other telehealth psych services?

Matt Allen:

Sure, we know there’s a lot of options out there for employers to choose from, but the key factors around ViCare is that it’s really individualized attention to the employer and the people on the health plan who utilize the program.

I think Corey would back me on saying that the current trend is around health behaviors and addressing those appropriately. In order for us to do that, we heavily vet the team of therapists that work with us.

While there are lots of people out there that may carry an appropriate certificate, we go through a much heavier certification program to bring them on, which in turn gives the best possible results, AKA outcomes, hence our work that we’ve done with you all at the Validation Institute.

Monitoring and Measuring Enrollee Progress

Validation Institute:

Corey, how do you measure progress with enrollees?

Corey Campbell:

That’s a great question, thanks for asking. That’s always the million-dollar question right with behavioral health interventions: how do you actually know people are getting better? One of the ways that we do that is by increasing the person’s self-efficacy.

The idea is that if you feel like you’re doing well at maintaining your life, maintaining your mental health, if you have more confidence so to speak, and in your ability to handle things as the roller coaster of life happens, you will have better outcomes.

One of the ways we do that is through a self-reported measure that we use every time we interact with a patient called the ViScore, which is a one to ten rating scale of where you are in your own self-efficacy journey at that point in time.

We measure that longitudinally over a long period of time, and we partner with great partners like the Validation Institute who can look under the hood and make sure that we’re doing this in a transparent way that shows progress for people.

So what you see is, as people get more confident, they tend to do better in managing the ups and downs of life that we all have.

Matt Allen:

I’ll chime into what Corey said and say that it’s just like the Pain Scale when you go to your general doctor. The smiley face for you may be a sad face for me, and we feel the same about the device score. A seven for you and a seven for me may be different things, but they really help our team focus on that lifestyle improvement.

Collaborative Approaches with Healthcare Partners

Chief Executive Officer of Validation Institute:

Well, that’s great and I assume you can’t do it all alone. So how do you work with other healthcare partners?

Matt Allen:

That’s become an increasingly popular trend that no one’s found really the secret sauce for yet, and that is how do you complete that circle of communication.

For us, we’ve done it in some unique ways, and some of those watching this will be familiar with direct primary care. We have no problem at all with larger healthcare systems, but those employers who choose to work with a direct primary care clinic, we find, is a great opportunity for referral, cross-referral, but also an opportunity for Corey and I to help engage with their medical teams to take the physical and the mental and bring those worlds together.

Our extended team, as you know, also includes a dietitian, we have access to psychiatric care, and we know that we need all of those things working in tandem for good harmony for the individual.

The Significance of Outcomes Validation for ViMedicus

Chief Executive Officer of Validation Institute:

Why was an outcomes validation so important for ViMedicus?

Matt Allen:

So, we were introduced to a couple of healthcare think tanks, as I call them. The folks at Health Rosetta probably would choose a different set of words, but I’m going to promote the fact that through them and Deb Alt’s team at AIM, we were encouraged to look at validation because they believe in us.

But there are so many people looking for services in behavioral health; how can you put a different level of trust? It’s, ‘I want you to trust what I’m saying,’ but going through the validation allowed a third party, your team, to take our ViScore outcomes longitudinally, or over about five years of encounters, and extrapolate that through data science.

Without sounding like a giant data nerd, it gave us the ability to state that what we’re doing is a valid outcome metric even though it’s subjective in nature. It is helping people improve their lives.

Chief Executive Officer of Validation Institute:

Well, thank you, Matt and Corey, for sharing your insights on ViCare. Your expertise has shed light on the importance of providing sustainable solutions for individuals struggling with all types of behavioral issues.

We greatly appreciate your time and valuable contribution to this interview. If you’re looking to learn more about ViMedicus and their ViCare program, go to and read their validation report. Thank you everyone for listening, and I hope you all have a great day.

Matt Allen & Corey Campbell:

Thank you.


ViMedicus Validated Program Report

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