For Benefits Advisors and Purchasers, Knowledge Really Is Power!
Health care is vast and complicated, and filled with nooks and crannies that are more nuanced than most of us understand. Every day we read about, hear about and even sell important services – say, drug cost management, health care analytics, episodic case rates, medical claims review, stop loss – but many of us often couldn’t provide a good basic description of the dynamics that would pass muster with someone who works day-to-day with these functions.
We’re overwhelmed with information, much of it quite technical and in many different niches. It’s virtually impossible for a capable, well-intentioned health benefits professional – a benefits consultant or a benefits manager – to appreciate the subtleties of worksite clinic operations, reference-based pricing, captive arrangements or self-funded health plan documentation, even though we may inadvertently make decisions that impact the effectiveness of these programs.
We’re there with you, which is why the Validation Institute has developed the Certified Health Value Professional program, with more than a dozen solid primer training modules in key areas of health care benefits management. Each module has been developed by an acknowledged industry expert in that field, and reviewed for comprehensiveness, accuracy and objectivity by two other subject matter experts. Each one requires about 90 minutes of a student’s attentions and energy, and is followed by an exam that tests his/her mastery of the course content.
Pass 10 modules, and you receive the Health Value Professional Certification, which acknowledges that you have demonstrated professional grounding in critical areas of current health benefits practice, and that can pay off in superior health plan designs that deliver better health outcomes and lower costs.
Move your career ahead with a program that your senior leadership will easily appreciate. Sign up for this highly practical and useful designation. Together, let’s make health care more efficient and effective.