State of Gut Health in the Workplace

Digestive issues affect an estimated 60 to 70 million Americans each year, taking a significant toll on workplace productivity and employee morale.

Cracking the Code: Keys to Specialty Drug Management

Specialty drug costs have risen to a predominant part of benefit spend. In addition, it lies within a complex structure, and ever-changing landscape. However, it is still a largely unmanaged and cryptic aspect within an organization’s benefit portfolio, allowing costs to continue to rise.

Safeguarding Health Care’s Runaway Train:<br /> A Rescue Plan for Americans

In its relentless pursuit to maximize shareholder value, our profit-driven health care system resembles a runaway train that, if not slowed down, could jeopardize patient care and well-being. Fast-tracking corporate mergers, service delivery integrations, and unregulated middleman pricing benefit a privileged few and drive up already exorbitant health care costs.

Why Menopause Should Matter to Employers

An estimated 1.1 billion women worldwide will have experienced menopause by 2025. Symptoms like hot flashes, fatigue, and anxiety can be incredibly disruptive — and last for years. But despite its massive impact, little is being done to support those going through menopause in the workplace.