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Fertility Benefits: The Key to Cost Containment for Employers and Employees

Businesses under financial pressure — as many are now — face difficult choices when trying to grow or remain profitable in a challenging economic environment. However, when it comes to cost containment, many scaled down, “better than nothing,” benefits end up being less inclusive, less than ideal and less effective than going the extra mile with an inclusive and comprehensive plan, especially in terms of a company’s culture, recruiting and team building. Download this white paper on fertility benefits and you’ll see how:

  • The corporate goals of diversity, equity and inclusion and the economics of infertility dictate a more flexible benefits plan design that allows more diverse workers who want and need fertility care to easily access it and use it without spreading the costs to other employees or unduly burdening the company.
  • A well-designed, customized and inclusive modular fertility plan allows companies to:
    • Cover and fund specific treatments only when employees use them
    • Utilize a customized a la carte package of fertility benefits to meet every need that is available when needed and that does not require up-front payment for family forming benefits and services not yet requested or provided.

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A red line drawing of an archery target with an arrow in the center bullseye, symbolizing precision, goal achievement, and success.

The move toward high-performance and high-value healthcare

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In-depth analysis of the latest trends and solutions that improve heath outcomes, strengthen accountability, and cut costs

Icon of a seal with a checkmark, representing verified completion or approval, with a radiating effect, in red outline on a light background.

Actionable insights on how to drive better health outcomes at a far lower cost for your organization.

Icon of a badge with ribbons and a check mark, symbolizing achievement, accreditation, or quality assurance in a red outline.

Profiles in innovative solutions and organizations that are “walking the walk” when it comes to delivering better savings, outcomes, and more