
Validated Program Report

DisclosedRx offers a fully disclosed pharmacy benefit service to employers. DisclosedRx is contractually obligated to only derive revenue from their clients, allowing them to optimize pharmacy spend without worrying about commitments to the supply chain. DisclosedRx does not earn money by reselling drugs at a higher price than it obtains them (“spread pricing”); it credits all rebates and supply chain credits to the payer; and it charges only one administrative fee. DisclosedRx systems and processes provide claims processing oversight that incorporate active risk management of pharma spend. The risk management programs include mitigation strategies for specialty and high-cost brand medicines. No allegiance to the supply chain allows DisclosedRx to pursue all possible channels for lower cost medications. Payers not only have clear data about their benefits but also gain the advantage of lower costs.

Contractual Integrity Review for DisclosedRx

Pharmacy benefit service

DisclosedRx credits all rebates rebates and supply chain credits to the payers and charges only one administrative fee, so payers will have clear data about their benefit and lower costs.

Savings Review for DisclosedRx

Agile Channel Management program

DisclosedRx applies drug manufacturer copay discounts and patient assistance programs to lower the plan’s expenses. DisclosedRx also uses international sources for certain drugs to deliver a lower cost. Together, these programs reduced a plan’s costs by 32% in a twelve-month period.

Contractual Integrity Review for DisclosedRx

Pharmacy Benefit Management

Disclosed Rx gives its clients 100% of supply chain credits received. Its sole source of revenue is the fees paid by the client; it does not receive money from “spread pricing”, which has the client pay a higher price for drugs than the cost

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