About Validation Institute

Empowering employers to make better purchasing decisions and disrupting the benefits industry.

Our Mission

Validation Institute is dedicated to providing unbiased, data-driven insights on health care solutions and services by validating performance claims made by solutions providers and educating purchasers to drive transparency in the marketplace and maximize cost-savings.

A New Era for Employer Health Care Purchasing

As benefits purchasers and consumers continue to demand transparency and higher quality of care, the Validation Institute is accelerating the move toward high-performance and high-value health care.

By validating performance claims made by vendors with an un-biased, data-driven approach, the Validation Institute guides purchasers in choosing the right solutions providers that meet the needs of their population while improving outcomes, strengthening accountability, and saving costs. Learn more about our validated programs here.

Empowering Purchasers to Control Health Care Spend and Transform Health Benefits

Through our Certified Health Value Professionals (CHVP) training program, webinars, and events, we are committed to educating the purchaser community and equip them with the right tools and resources to optimize health benefits, curb wasteful spending, and drive value for their organization and employees.

Leadership Team

Haritha Krishnarathnam

Executive Vice President of Strategy

Vidar J. Jorgensen


Craig Sharpe Headshot

Craig Sharpe

Chief Operating Officer

Jesus Zayas

Executive Vice President of Technology

Al Lewis

Senior Advisor

Linda Riddell

Vice President, Population Health Scientist

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A red line drawing of an archery target with an arrow in the center bullseye, symbolizing precision, goal achievement, and success.

The move toward high-performance and high-value healthcare

Icon depicting customer support and care with a stylized human figure embraced by a hand, set against a segmented circular backdrop.

In-depth analysis of the latest trends and solutions that improve heath outcomes, strengthen accountability, and cut costs

Icon of a seal with a checkmark, representing verified completion or approval, with a radiating effect, in red outline on a light background.

Actionable insights on how to drive better health outcomes at a far lower cost for your organization.

Icon of a badge with ribbons and a check mark, symbolizing achievement, accreditation, or quality assurance in a red outline.

Profiles in innovative solutions and organizations that are “walking the walk” when it comes to delivering better savings, outcomes, and more