
About this Webinar

July 28, 2022 • 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM ET

In the spring of 2022, CMS released large-scale changes to Medicare Marketing Material requirements and model documents – perhaps an indication of additional simplification and modernization changes to come to Medicare communications. Most Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) were caught off guard by the changes and are now facing the most significant update process in years, making it even more challenging to meet plan materials deadlines.

More changes are predicted in the future, along with PBP modernization in contract year 2024 that will open the door for digital alternatives and options for these complex communications.  To successfully navigate these changes, MAOs must adopt a new way of managing their communications.

Join this webinar and dive into the AEP 2023 model document changes and discuss strategies to help MAOs successfully accommodate these and future changes. Key highlights include:

  • Reviewing the impact of key changes in 2023 AEP model documents
  • Strategies and tactics that lessen the impact of these disruptions
  • Review of upcoming PBP data modernization initiatives
  • How digital transformation will factor into future updates and how to be prepared

Sohail Malik
Vice President, Healthcare Solutions
View Bio 


Sponsored By:

Messagepoint is a provider of industry leading cloud-based Customer Communications Management solutions.

The Healthcare Touchpoint Exchange by Messagepoint enables business users to control the creation and management of all member communications. It is a purpose-built solution that simplifies the creation and management of regulated Medicare marketing materials (ANOC, EOC, and SB) and provides access to the framework that includes all model content, PBP data integration and benefit rules.

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In-depth analysis of the latest trends and solutions that improve heath outcomes, strengthen accountability, and cut costs

Icon of a seal with a checkmark, representing verified completion or approval, with a radiating effect, in red outline on a light background.

Actionable insights on how to drive better health outcomes at a far lower cost for your organization.

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