Two Sides of the Same Health Care Coin
Fred Goldstein Recently two articles were sent to me by Cliff Frank, a colleague and friend. If you know anything about Cliff, you’ll know that 1) if he’s sending something, it’s worth reading, and 2) he doesn’t mince words. In this case, with regard to the first article, it was one short line: “Fascinating article […]
When Health Care Organizations Are Fundamentally Dishonest
Brian Klepper A class action legal ruling this month, on a case originally filed in 2014, found that UnitedHealthCare’s (UHC) mental health subsidiary, United Behavioral Health (UBH), established internal policies that discriminated against patients with behavioral health or substance abuse conditions. While an appeal is expected, patients with legitimate claims were systematically denied coverage, and […]
HIMSS19 Recap: Disruption, Innovation, and the Growing Need for Validation
RD Whitney The Validation Institute was out in force at HIMSS19 (Healthcare Information and Management Society) in Orlando, FL where disruption of the healthcare status quo was a major theme. From the miles of exhibit floor to speakers on the main stage, there was a resounding call for innovation as a means of […]