Empowering Women with Workplace Family Forming and Fertility Benefits as Strategic Investments for Employee and Company Success

May 7 | 1 - 2:00 PM EST

Women’s Health is a rapidly evolving aspect of healthcare and benefits, presenting unique challenges and opportunities for brokers, health plans, and employers alike.

This discussion will delve into the strategic importance of family-forming benefits, particularly focusing on fertility benefits, in today’s workforce. We will explore the impact of these benefits on employee well-being and company culture, highlighting successful case studies and data-driven insights. Additionally, we will discuss how offering fertility benefits aligns with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) goals and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) initiatives. Practical advice will be provided on how to introduce and communicate these benefits effectively, ultimately showcasing their value in attracting, retaining talent, and fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the long-term financial benefits of retaining experienced employees
  • Explore the positive impact of fertility benefits on company culture and morale through personal stories and testimonials
  • Learn how offering fertility benefits aligns with DEI goals and SDOH initiatives, contributing to employees’ overall well-being
  • Address common misconceptions about the cost and value of fertility benefits through case studies and data-driven insights

Presented By

David Adamson, MD
Founder and CEO
ARC Fertility
Lisa Comerose RN, BSN, MBA
Vice President, National Clinic Management Consulting
Marsh McLennan Agency LLC
Patrick Long
Hero Health Plans

Sponsored By

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