A First-Of-Its-Kind Financial Guarantee for Vendors that Deliver Better Savings and Health Outcomes

Validation Institute has increased its Financial Credibility Guarantee, already an industry-first, from $50,000 to $100,000 for any customer that uses a solution that has been validated for savings, outcomes, or achieved program validation and does not realize the claim certified by the Institute. The Credibility Guarantee further demonstrates Validation Institute’s commitment to elevating healthcare solutions that produce measurable savings or better health outcomes.

Customers of solution providers are often expected to rely on paid third party validations by, no matter obviously wrong they are, without recourse against the validator who produced it. Consequently, virtually every solution provider of scale has been “validated.” Yet most do not save money. Independent of VI, an entire website is devoted to invalidating spurious claims. As a result, customers increasingly and justifiably disbelieve “findings” by actuaries retained by the solution provider.

By contrast, Validation Institute now offers customers of validated solutions for savings, outcomes, or programs a guarantee of up to $100,000 that the validated solution will, in fact, achieve what the language on a validated claim says it will achieve. Validation Institute has been successfully producing validations for 10 years without challenge or appeal and will continue to do so with a guarantee in place for its customers.

This Credibility Guarantee draws a bright line between your performance claim(s) and the claims of your competitor(s) in promotional efforts. The Credibility Guarantee is activated by putting your exact validation language into a customer contract, with approximately the following language:

If Customer feels that Contractor did not achieve what its validation language says it achieves, Customer may submit a claim up to $100,000 to the Validation Institute (VI). VI will review the claim and either pay it, offer a smaller payout, or request a binding, final finding by an arbitrator assigned by the American Arbitration Association.

If a claim is paid, and it is determined that the original basis of the validation awarded has been changed without the Institute’s knowledge, the Client must reimburse Validation Institute, and either change the validation language to the satisfaction of VI or remove it. In the latter situations, Customers must be notified that the original guarantee no longer applies.

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